Veterinäre Studien: Wirkweise von Hyaluronsäure
Veterinäre Studien: Wirkweise von Hyaluronsäure
- Corbee R.J. (2022): The efficacy of a nutritional supplement containing green-lipped mussel, curcumin and blackcurrant leaf extract in dogs and cats with osteoarthritis. Vet Med Sci. 2022 Mar 10 ABSTRACT
- Martello E. (2022): Efficacy of a dietary supplement in dogs with osteoarthritis: A randomized placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial. PLoS ONE 17(2): e026397 ABSTRACT
- Aguado C.I.S. et al. (2021): Effects of Oral Hyaluronic Acid Administration in Dogs Following Tibial Tuberosity Advancement Surgery for Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injury. Animals 2021, 11, 1264. ABSTRACT
- Jhun J.Y. et al. (2021): A green-lipped mussel reduces pain behavior and chondrocyte inflammation and attenuated experimental osteoarthritis progression. PLoS One 2021 Dec 2;16(12):e0259130 ABSTRACT
- Kopchak OV. et al. (2021): The Effect of Hyaluronic Acid on the Periodontium in Spontaneous Periodontitis in Rats. Int. J. Morphol. vol.39 no.4 Temuco Aug. 2021. ABSTRACT
- Kuo P.-J. et al. (2021): Estimation of the Effect of Accelerating New Bone Formation of High and Low Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid Hybrid: An Animal Study Polymers 2021, 13(11). ABSTRACT
- Shirakata Y. et al. (2021): Healing of buccal gingival recessions following treatment with coronally advanced flap alone or combined with a cross-linked hyaluronic acid gel. An experimental study in dogs J Clin Periodontol. 2021 Apr;48(4):570-580. ABSTRACT
- Shirakata Y. et al. (2021): Periodontal wound healing/regeneration of two-wall intrabony defects following reconstructive surgery with cross-linked hyaluronic acid-gel with or without a collagen matrix: a preclinical study in dogs Quintessence Int. 2021;0(0):308-316. ABSTRACT
- Peal B.T. et al. (2020): Synovial fluid lubricin and hyaluronan are altered in equine osteochondral fragmentation, cartilage impact injury, and full-thickness cartilage defect models. J Orthop Res. 2020 Aug;38(8):1826-1 ABSTRACT
- Phipps K. R. et al. (2020): Oral administration of a novel hydrolyzed chicken sternal cartilage extract (BioCell Collagen) reduces UVB-induced photoaging in mice. Journal of Functional Foods 68 (2020) 103870. ABSTRACT
- Matisioudis M. (2019): Comparative Studies of Hyaluronic Acid Concentration in Normal and Osteoarthritic Equine Joints. Fluids 2019, 4, 193 ABSTRACT
- Neuenschwander H. M. et al. (2019): Hyaluronic acid has chondroprotective and joint-preserving effects on LPS-induced synovitis in horses. J Vet Sci. 2019 Nov;20(6):e67. ABSTRACT
- Ememe M. U. et a.l (2016): Effects of a joint supplement whose main components are resveratrol and hyaluronic acid on some biochemical parameters in aged lame horses J Equine Sci. 2016;27(1):19-22. ABSTRACT
- Kawada C. et al (2016): Orally administered hyaluronan affects skin dryness and epidermal thickening in photoaged hairless mice. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 2016, 80 (6) , 1192-1195. ABSRTRACT
- Kimura M. et al. (2016): Absorption of Orally Administered Hyaluronan J Med Food. 2016 Dec;19(12):1172-1179. ABSTRACT
- Vilar J.M. et al (2016): Serum Collagen Type II Cleavage Epitope and Serum Hyaluronic Acid as Biomarkers for Treatment Monitoring of Dogs with Hip Osteoarthritis PLoS One. 2016 Feb 17;11(2):e0149472. ABSTRACT
- Oe M. et al. (2014): Dietary Hyaluronic Acid Migrates into the Skin of Rats The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 378024. ABSTRACT
- Martí-Angulo S. et al. (2014): Efficacy of an oral hyaluronate and collagen supplement as a preventive treatment of elbow dysplasia. J Vet Sci. 2014 Dec;15(4):569-74. ABSTRACT
- Plickert H.D. et al. (2013): Hyaluronic acid concentrations in synovial fluid of dogs with different stages of osteoarthritis Research in Veterinary Science 2013:94 (3) 728-734. ABSTRACT
- Rialland P. et al. (2013): Effect of a diet enriched with green-lipped mussel on pain behavior and functioning in dogs with clinical osteoarthritis. Can J Vet Res. 2013 Jan;77(1):66-74 ABSTRACT
- Cayzer J. et al. (2012): A randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study on the efficacy of a unique extract of green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) in horses with chronic fetlock lameness attributed to osteoarthritis. Equine Vet J. 2012 Jul;44(4):393-8 ABSTRACT
- Ma J. et al. (2012): Oral Administration of Hyaluronan Reduces Bone Turnover in Ovariectomized Rats. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2013, 61, 2, 339–345. ABSTRACT
- Yang G.. et al. (2012): Thiolated Carboxymethyl-Hyaluronic-Acid-Based Biomaterials Enhance Wound Healing in Rats, Dogs, and Horses ISRN Vet Sci. 2011; 2011: 851593. ABSTRACT
- Ohara H. et al. (2010): Effects of Pro-Hyp, a Collagen Hydrolysate-Derived Peptide, on Hyaluronic Acid Synthesis Using in Vitro Cultured Synovium Cells and Oral Ingestion of Collagen Hydrolysates in a Guinea Pig Model of Osteoarthritis. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 2014, 74:10, 2096-2099. ABSTRACT
- Björkmann et al. (2009):Evaluating Complementary Therapies for Canine Osteoarthritis Part I: Green-lipped Mussel (Perna canaliculus). Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2009 Sep; 6(3): 365–373.ABSTRACT
- Carmona J.U. et al (2009): Effect of the administration of an oral hyaluronan formulation on clinical and biochemical parameters in young horses with osteochondrosis. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol. 2009;22(6):455-9. ABSTRACT
- Balogh L. et al. (2008): Absorption, uptake and tissue affinity of high-molecular-weight hyaluronan after oral administration in rats and dogs. J Agric Food Chem. 2008 Nov 26;56(22):10582-93. ABSTRACT
- Venable R. O. et al. (2008): Examination of synovial fluid hyaluronan quantity and quality in stifle joints of dogs with osteoarthritis Am J Vet Res. 2008 Dec;69(12):1569-73. ABSTRACT
- Martinez-Puig, D. et al. (2007): Oral hyaluronic acid administration improves osteochondrosis clinical symptoms and slightly increases intraarticular concentration of hyaluronic acid in a horse model: a pilot survey. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2007, 15, C62-C63(abstract 96) ABSTRACT
- Bergin B. J. et al. (2006): Oral hyaluronan gel reduces post operative tarsocrural effusion in the yearling Thoroughbred Equine Vet J. 2006 Jul;38(4):375-8. ABSTRACT
- Budsberg S. C. et al. (2006): Serum and synovial fluid concentrations of keratan sulfate and hyaluronan in dogs with induced stifle joint osteoarthritis following cranial cruciate ligament transection. Am J Vet Res. 2006 Mar;67(3):429-32 ABSTRACT
- Pollard, B (2006): Clinical efficacy and tolerance of an extract of green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) in dogs presumptively diagnosed with degenerative joint disease.N Z Vet J . 2006 Jun;54(3):114-8 ABSTRACT
- Bui L.M., Bierer T.L. (2003): Influence of green lipped mussels (Perna canaliculus) in alleviating signs of arthritis in dogs. Vet Ther. Winter 2003;4(4):397-407. ABSTRACT
- Pierce S. W. et al. (2003): Efficacy of orally administered sodium hyaluronate gel in the racing thoroughbred In Hyaluronan 2003 Proceedings. Chapter 6 Musculoskelatal System: Balazs, E. A.; Hascall, V. C., Eds.; Matrix Biology Institute: Cleveland, OH, 2004; pp 1− 4. ABSTRACT
- Adebowale, A. et al. (2002): The bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of glucosamine hydrochloride and low molecular weight chondroitin sulfate after single and multiple doses to beagle dogs. Biopharm Drug Dispos 23(6): 217-225 ABSTRACT
- Bierer T. L.; Bui L. M. (2002): Improvement of arthritic signs in dogs fed green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus). J Nutr. 2002 Jun;132(6 Suppl 2):1634S-6S ABSTRACT
- White G. W. et al. (1999): Evaluation of the efficacy of various preparations of sodium hyaluronate in an induced equine carpitis model J Equine Vet Sci 1999;19:331-337. ABSTRACT
- Kawcak C. E. (1997): Effects of intravenous administration of sodium hyaluronate on carpal joints in exercising horses after arthroscopic surgery and osteochondral fragmentation Am J Vet Res. 1997 Oct;58(10):1132-40. ABSTRACT
- Gastaud, G., Larsen, S. (1995): Comparison of polysulphated glycosaminoglycan and sodium hyaluronate with placebo in treatment of traumatic arthritis in horses. Equine Vet J. 27:5, 356-62. ABSTRACT